Partner Notification types
Resource table
Use this table to see all the current notification types with a brief description on what the messaging will include, the contents of its resource array, what triggers it, whether it is actionable or not, whether it is payroll blocking, and whether it expires.
Category | Title | Message | Resource entity types | Trigger | Actionable | Action Item | Payroll Blocking | Resolves? | Expires? |
information_request | Additional information needed to process payroll | If we do not receive this information as soon as possible, your payroll may not be processed on time. | none | Gusto's risk team determines that there is additional company information that needs to be collected before the company can be approved. | yes | Create an `company_information_requests` flow; company payroll admin must provide answers to the questions via the flow. | yes | Yes, it resolves after the information request is submitted | No |
bank_error.company_ach_debit_failure | Unblock %{payroll_type} payroll for %{payment_check_date} | We were unable to debit sufficient funds from %{company_name}’s bank account due to the following bank error: %{bank_error} for the %{payroll_type} payroll on %{payment_check_date}. Please update the company bank account details and re-run payroll, so that employees can be paid by direct deposit. | entity_type: "Payroll" | Due to a bank error, a debit failed to the company's bank account for the 4-day payroll | yes | Update company bank account details to resolve the provided bank error and re-run payroll | no | Yes, it resolves after the payroll is re-run and finished processing | No |
bank_error.compensation_credit_failure | Unable to deposit funds to %{beneficiary_name} | We were unable to deposit a recent paycheck to %{beneficiary_name}’s bank account, so these funds of %{amount} will be returned to %{company_name}’s bank account. Once the funds are received, the payment should be made directly to %{beneficiary_name}. | entity_type: "Contractor" or "Employee" | Due to a bank error, Gusto was unable to deposit funds to an employee or contractor. Because Gusto is unable to hold these funds legally, we have credited the funds to the company bank account. | yes | Credited compensation to the company's bank account should be made directly the contractor | no | No | No |
bank_error.contractor_ach_credit_failure | Update %{contractor_name}’s bank account details | We were unable to deposit a recent paycheck to %{contractor_name}’s bank account due to the following bank error: %{bank_error}. After their bank account details are updated, we will attempt to redeposit the funds in the next business day.' | entity_type: "BankAccount", reference_type: "Contractor" | Due to a bank error, Gusto was unable to credit funds to the contractor's bank account | yes | Update contractor bank account details | no | Yes, it resolves after the contractor has updated their bank account details | No |
bank_error.contractor_ach_debit_failure | Failed to debit funds from %{contractor_name} | We were unable to debit funds from %{contractor_name}’s bank account due to the following bank error: %{bank_error}. | entity_type: "BankAccount", reference_type: "Contractor" | Due to a bank error, Gusto was unable to debit funds from a contractor's bank account. This is usually related to a contractor payment reversal. | no | N/A - informational | no | No | No |
bank_error.employee_ach_credit_failure | Update %{employee_name}’s bank account details | We were unable to deposit a recent paycheck to %{employee_name}’s bank account due to the following bank error: %{bank_error}. After their bank account details are updated, we will attempt to redeposit the funds in the next business day. | entity_type: "BankAccount", reference_type: "Employee" | Due to a bank error, Gusto was unable to credit funds to the employee's bank account | yes | Update employee bank account | no | Yes, it resolves after the employee has updated their bank account details | No |
bank_error.employee_ach_debit_failure | Failed to debit funds from %{employee_name} | We were unable to debit funds from %{employee_name}’s bank account due to the following bank error: %{bank_error}. Please recover these funds directly from %{employee_name}, as we cannot retry the debit. | entity_type: "BankAccount", reference_type: "Employee" | Due to a bank error, Gusto was unable to debit funds from the employee's bank account. This is usually related to a payroll reversal. | yes | Recover funds directly from the employee | no | no | no |
bank_error.fast_payroll_ach_debit_r01_first_failure | Unable to debit sufficient funds for %{payment_check_date} payroll | Payroll for %{payment_check_date} processed successfully, but we were unable to debit sufficient funds from the associated bank account. A redebit attempt will be made on %{next_attempt_date}. | entity_type: "Payroll" | Due to an insufficient funds bank error, Gusto was unable to debit payroll funds from the company bank account. This occurs when a company is on faster payment speed. | yes | Add sufficient funds to the company's bank account. Gusto will attempt another redebit at the end of the business day. | no | no | yes |
bank_error.fast_contractor_payment_ach_debit_r01_first_failure | Unable to debit sufficient funds for %{payment_check_date} contractor payment | Contractor payment for %{payment_check_date} processed successfully, but we were unable to debit sufficient funds from the associated bank account. A redebit attempt will be made on %{next_attempt_date}. | entity_type: "ContractorPayment" | Due to an insufficient funds bank error, Gusto was unable to debit contractor payment funds from the company bank account. This occurs when a company is on faster payment speed. | yes | Add sufficient funds to the company's bank account. Gusto will attempt another redebit at the end of the business day. | no | no | yes |
bank_error.reconciliation_payroll_ach_debit_failure | Unable to debit funds for %{payment_check_date} reconciliation payroll | We were unable to debit funds from %{company_name}’s bank account due to the following bank error: %{bank_error} for the reconciliation payroll on %{payment_check_date}. We are unable to retry the debit, so please make the tax payments directly. | none | Due to a bank error, Gusto was unable to debit funds from the company bank account for a recent reconciliation payroll. | yes | Contact support to determine what tax payments need to be made to what agencies | no | no | no |
recovery_case.connect_new_bank | Connect a new bank account to unblock payroll | We weren’t able to debit funds for the %{date} %{event}. To pay the team on time, connect a new bank account as soon as possible. | entity_type: "RecoveryCase" | Due to an R02 bank error, Gusto was unable to debit funds for a past payroll or contractor payment. Please note that payroll will be blocked until the amount has been recovered. | yes | Connect a new company bank account and initiate a new redebit via API call or via `company_recovery_cases` flow | yes | Yes, it resolves after a redebit has been initiated on the recovery case | no |
recovery_case.insufficient_funds | Add sufficient funds to unblock payroll | We weren’t able to debit funds for the %{date} %{event}. To pay the team on time, check that the associated bank account has sufficient funds as soon as possible. | entity_type: "RecoveryCase" | Due to an R01 bank error, Gusto was unable to debit funds for a past payroll or contractor payment. Please note that payroll will be blocked until the amount has been recovered. | yes | Add sufficient funds to the company's bank account and initiate a new redebit via API call or via `company_recovery_cases` flow | yes | Yes, it resolves after a redebit has been initiated on the recovery case | no |
recovery_case.unfreeze_bank_account | Unfreeze bank account to unblock payroll | We weren’t able to debit funds for the %{date} %{event}. To pay the team on time, unfreeze the associated bank account as soon as possible. | entity_type: "RecoveryCase" | Due to an R16 bank error, Gusto was unable to debit funds for a past payroll or contractor payment. Please note that payroll will be blocked until the amount has been recovered. | yes | Unfreeze the company bank account and initiate a new redebit via API call or via `company_recovery_cases` flow | yes | Yes, it resolves after a redebit has been initiated on the recovery case | no |
recovery_case.verify_bank_account | Verify bank account details to unblock payroll | We weren’t able to debit funds for the %{date} %{event}. To pay the team on time, verify the associated bank account as soon as possible. | entity_type: "RecoveryCase" | Due to a bank error, Gusto was unable to debit funds for a past payroll or contractor payment. Please note that payroll will be blocked until the amount has been recovered. | yes | Verify company bank account details and initiate a new redebit via API call or via `company_recovery_cases` flow. Contact support for further assistance | yes | Yes, it resolves after a redebit has been initiated on the recovery case | no |
recovery_case.redebit_successful | Debit for %{company_name} was successful | We wanted to let you know that our attempt to debit ${company_name}’s bank account for your %{payment_check_date} payday was successful. Your ability to process payroll has been reinstated. Please ensure that your bank account has sufficient balance for future Paydays to ensure that your employees continue getting paid in a timely manner. In addition, if bank errors continue to be an issue your service may be interrupted. If you foresee a bank error in the future, please contact us so we may assist you with this matter. | entity_type: "RecoveryCase" | Redebit was successful | no | N/A | no | no | no |
invalid_signatory | Verify company signatory information | We couldn’t verify %{signatory_name}’s identity—make sure their details are accurate. | entity_type: "Signatory" | Invalid signatory information | yes | Re-enter signatory information, reinitiates identity verification process automatically | yes | yes | no |
auto_payroll.disabled | Automatic payroll has been disabled | Due to a recent account change, automatic payroll has been disabled. Run the next scheduled payroll manually to make sure the team is paid on time. | none | See section 'actions that will disable autopilot' | yes | Run the next scheduled payroll manually. To re-enroll in automatic payroll, fix the underlying issue and then use the update pay schedule API to re-enroll in automatic payroll. | no | no | yes (after 7 days) |
auto_payroll.excluded_employees | Automatic payroll excluded some employees for %{payment_check_date} payroll | Unfortunately, since we're missing state tax details for %{states_to_sentence}, automatic payroll excluded the following employees from %{payment_check_date} payroll: %{employees}. Please provide missing tax details to include the employees in the next payroll, and run an off-cycle payroll if they still need to be paid for this pay period. | entity_type: "Employee" | Missing state tax details | yes | Update missing state tax details, and run an off-cycle payroll to pay the excluded employees. | no | no | yes (after 7 days) |
auto_payroll.failed | Automatic payroll failed for %{payment_check_date} payroll | Unfortunately, automatic payroll failed for %{payment_check_date} payroll. Please run payroll manually to make sure the team is paid on time. | entity_type: "Payroll" | Either the company is not allowed to run payroll, or the payroll itself failed. | yes | Run the payroll manually. | no | no | yes (after 7 days) |
sign_company_documents | Payroll may be blocked: Sign company documents | We’ve created and filled out required government documents. To run payroll, all that’s left is an e-signature! | none | Form needs signing | yes | Sign the relevant form | yes | Yes, it resolves after the relevant form is signed | no |
reconciliation_payroll_created | Payroll tax debit is scheduled for %{debit_date} | We ran a tax reconciliation to detect updated tax rates and other tax adjustments for %{company_name}, and determined that we need to correct taxes by debiting %{company_name}’s bank account ending in %{bank_account_last_four_digits} for %{total_debit_amount} on %{debit_date} to pay an adjustment for %{tax_period}. | entity_type: "Payroll" | Reconciliation payroll ran | no | N/A | no | no | no |
company_rejected.rejected | Information regarding account approval | Upon review, %{company_name} has not been approved for our platform. Please be advised, this decision is final and cannot be reversed. | none | Gusto has elected to not approve the specified company for our platform. | no | N/A | yes | no | no |
company_rejected.likely_fraud | Account has been deactivated | After extensive review, the account for %{company_name} has been deactivated. This decision is final and cannot be reversed. Payroll can no longer be run. | none | Gusto has rejected a company due to suspected fraud | no | Contact support if you believe this was done in error | yes | yes | no |
company_rejected.bank_errors | Deactivation notice | Repeated issues debiting payroll funds for %{company_name} has resulted in account deactivation. This action is irreversible. Please initiate the offboarding process to ensure tax information is correct. If this is not done within 30 days, we will cancel the account, and any unpaid taxes will be returned. | none | Repeated errors withdrawing funds for payroll | yes | Complete company offboarding | yes | yes | no |
company_rejected.suspicious_bank | Issue with a funding account | Our platform does not support the current funding method for %{company_name}. In order to proceed, please update the company’s funding bank account to a transactional checking account, then reach out for assistance unblocking the account. | none | Bank account was flagged as not supported. | no | Contact support if you believe this was done in error | yes | no | no |
account_suspension.closed | Account has been closed | %{company_name}’s payroll account has been closed. If there are questions on suspension elections, including confirming responsibility of tax payments or filings for the remainder of the calendar year, please contact support. | none | A company account has been closed | no | N/A | yes | no | no |
mi_form_5080_quarterly_reminder | Please file MI 5080 form for Q%{quarter} | We will file the MI 5080 form with all required withholding and payroll tax details but without any sales tax details. If %{company_name} owes any sales or use tax, please file an additional paper MI 5080 form for Q%{quarter}. | none | End of quarter | yes | File MI 5080 if applicable | no | no | yes |
mi_form_5081_annual_reminder | Please file an MI 5081 form for %{year} | We will file the MI 5081 form with all required withholding and payroll tax details but without any sales tax details. If %{company_name} owes any sales or use tax, please file an additional paper MI 5081 form for %{year}. | none | End of year | yes | File MI 5081 if applicable | no | no | yes |
missed_anchor_pay_day | First payroll deadline missed | %{company_name} missed their first payroll which was scheduled for %{payroll_date}. Please revisit the payroll schedule setup and provide a new first payroll date. If any payrolls were run using a different payroll system they will need to be provided to complete onboarding. | none | Anchor pay day passed without running payroll | yes | Pick a new anchor pay date | yes | yes | no |
employee_contractor_bank_account.updated | %{member_name} Bank Account Updated' | %{member_name}, your bank account details were recently updated. | entity_type: "Contractor" or "Employee" | Employee/Contractor updates their bank account details | no | N/A | no | no | no |
bank_account.contractor_payments_cancelled | Bank Account Update cancelled Contractor Payments | Contractor payments were cancelled due to %{company_name}’s update to their bank account. | entity_type: "ContractorPayment" | Company Bank account update | no | N/A | no | no | no |
bank_account.payrolls_cancelled | Bank Account Update cancelled Payrolls | Payrolls were cancelled due to %{company_name}’s update to their bank account. | entity_type: "Payroll" | Company Bank account update | no | N/A | no | no | no |
bank_error.company_bank_verification_needs_review | Review the recent bank verification test transactions | We completed a bank verification test transaction with company bank account %{bank_account_last_four_digits} but received error %{bank_error}. We updated our records accordingly with the bank account information sent from the financial institution and advise reviewing the changes. | entity_type: "BankAccount" | A test transaction to the company's bank account completed but returned an error | yes | Update company bank account details | no | yes | no |
bank_error.company_bank_verification_failure | Unblock future company transactions | We attempted a test transaction with company bank account %{bank_account_last_four_digits}. The transaction failed with message %{bank_error}. This critical error will prevent future payments. Please update the company’s bank account details. | entity_type: "BankAccount" | Due to a bank error, A test transaction to the company's bank account failed | yes | Update company bank account details | yes | yes | no |
bank_error.company_bank_transaction_needs_review | Review the recent company transaction details | We completed a transaction with company bank account %{bank_account_last_four_digits} but received error %{bank_error}. We updated our records accordingly with the bank account information sent from the financial institution and advise reviewing the changes. | entity_type: "BankAccount" | A transaction to the company's bank account completed but returned an error | yes | Update company bank account details | no | yes | no |
bank_error.company_bank_transaction_failure | Unblock future company transactions | We attempted a transaction with company bank account %{bank_account_last_four_digits}. The transaction failed with message %{bank_error}. This critical error will prevent future payments. Please update the company’s bank account details. | entity_type: "BankAccount" | Due to a bank error, A transaction to the company's bank account failed | yes | Update company bank account details | yes | yes | no |
bank_error.contractor_ach_transaction_needs_review | Review %{contractor_name}’s recent bank transaction details | We completed a transaction with %{contractor_name}’s bank account ending in %{bank_account_last_four_digits} but received error %{bank_error}. We updated our records accordingly with the bank account information sent from the financial institution and advise reviewing the changes. | entity_type: "BankAccount", reference_type: "Contractor" | A transaction to the contractor's bank account completed but returned an error | yes | Update contractor bank account details | no | yes | no |
bank_error.employee_ach_transaction_needs_review | Review %{employee_name}’s recent bank transaction details | We completed a transaction with %{employee_name}'s bank account ending in %{bank_account_last_four_digits} but received error %{bank_error}. We updated our records accordingly with the bank account information sent from the financial institution and advise reviewing the changes. | entity_type: "BankAccount", reference_type: "Employee" | A transaction to the employee's bank account completed but returned an error | yes | Update employee bank account details | no | yes | no |
year_round_tax_accuracy.distribute_final_1099_forms | Distribute 1099s before the IRS deadline | It’s time to distribute contractor tax forms. | none | Notification will be created in January, since 1099 forms must be distributed to contractors by January 31st. | yes | Distribute 1099 forms | no | no | yes |
year_round_tax_accuracy.distribute_final_w2_forms | Distribute W-2s before the IRS deadline | It’s time to distribute employee tax forms. | none | Notification will be created in January, since W-2 forms must be distributed to employees by January 31st. | yes | Distribute W2 forms | no | no | yes |
year_round_tax_accuracy.review_draft_1099s | Review and correct year-to-date 1099s as needed | Review contractors’ draft forms and make any necessary corrections before we finalize these. This helps avoid complicated corrections later. | none | Notification will be created in November, since finalized 1099 forms must be ready by December 31st. | yes | Review draft 1099 forms | no | no | yes |
year_round_tax_accuracy.review_draft_w2s | Review and correct year-to-date W-2s as needed | Review employees’ draft forms and make any corrections before we finalize these. This helps avoid complicated corrections, penalties, or interest later. | none | Notification will be created in November, since finalized W-2 forms must be ready by December 31st. | yes | Review draft W2 forms | no | no | yes |
year_round_tax_accuracy.review_special_compensation_for_w2s | Review and add any special compensation from %{year} for W-2s | To help us correctly generate W-2s, review common special compensation types (like NSOs, allocated tips, etc.) and add any relevant amounts. | none | Notification will be created in November/December, since finalized W-2 forms must be ready by December 31st. | yes | Review special compensation for W2s | no | no | yes |
fast_ach_deactivated.invalid_payroll_ach_speed | We couldn’t process a payroll in %{speed} | We’re unable to process a payroll for %{payroll_check_date} since the payroll is above the faster processing limit. Instead, employees will be paid on %{updated_check_date}. | entity_type: "Payroll" | Payroll amount is above partner managed limit | no | N/A | no | no | yes (5 days after payroll check date) |
fast_ach_deactivated.invalid_contractor_payment_ach_speed | We couldn’t process contractor payments in %{speed} | After reviewing %{company_name}'s bank account, we’re unable to process their contractor payments. Instead, contractors will be paid on %{updated_check_date}. | entity_type: "ContractorPayment" | Bank fraud with contractor payments | no | N/A | no | no | yes (5 days after contractor payment check date) |
fast_ach_deactivated.bank_verification_debit_failure | Unable to verify company bank account | We received an Insufficient Funds bank error when attempting to verify %{company_name}’s bank account ending in %{bank_account_last_four_digits}, so direct deposit speed has been changed to 4 days. We’ll evaluate payroll history and debits in 3 months to determine if we can switch back to the original, faster speed. | entity_type: "BankAccount" | Verification debit failure (No sufficient funds) from company bank account | no | N/A | no | no | no |
fast_ach_deactivated.debit_failure | Unable to debit funds from company bank account | We were unable to debit funds from %{company_name}’s bank account ending in %{bank_account_last_four_digits} on %{nacha_entry_return_date}, so direct deposit speed has been changed to 4 days. The speed will be automatically switched back to the original, faster speed after 3 months of running payroll with no further issues. | entity_type: "BankAccount" | Debit failure from company bank account | no | N/A | no | yes | no |
fast_ach_deactivated.debit_failure_in_last_one_year | Unable to debit funds from company bank account | We were unable to debit funds from %{company_name}’s bank account ending in %{bank_account_last_four_digits} multiple times in the last 12 months, so direct deposit speed has been changed to 4 days. We’ll evaluate payroll history and debits in 12 months to determine if we can switch back to the original, faster speed. To get back on track, make sure to run at least 1 successful payroll per month without bank failures. | entity_type: "BankAccount" | Debit failures from company bank account over last year | no | N/A | no | yes | no |
fast_ach_deactivated.debit_failure_in_last_two_years | Unable to debit funds from company bank account | We were unable to debit funds from %{company_name}’s bank account ending in %{bank_account_last_four_digits} multiple times in the last 24 months, so direct deposit speed has been changed to 4 days. We’ll evaluate payroll history and debits in 12 months to determine if we can switch back to the original, faster speed. To get back on track, make sure to run at least 1 successful payroll per month without bank failures. | entity_type: "BankAccount" | Debit failures from company bank account over last two years | no | N/A | no | yes | no |
fast_ach_deactivated.debit_failure_slow_recovery | Unable to debit funds from company bank account | We were unable to debit funds from %{company_name}’s bank account ending in %{bank_account_last_four_digits} on %{nacha_entry_return_date}, so direct deposit speed has been changed to 4 days. We’ll evaluate payroll history and debits in 6 months to determine if we can switch back to the original, faster speed. To get back on track, make sure to run at least 1 successful payroll per month without bank failures. | entity_type: "BankAccount" | Debit failure from company bank account | no | N/A | no | yes | no |
state_tax.ga_w4_filing | File %{employee_name}’s G-4 | The G-4 lets us withhold the correct amount of state income tax for %{employee_name}. Please mail a copy of their completed and signed Form G-4 to the Georgia Department of Revenue. | entity_type: "Employee" | Employee in GA sets withholding allowance to over 14, or employee is marked as exempt from GA state income tax | yes | Mail Form G-4 for employee | no | yes | no |
state_tax.mi_w4_filing | File %{employee_name}’s MI-W4 | The MI-W4 lets us withhold the correct amount of state income tax for %{employee_name}. Please mail a copy of their completed and signed Form MI-W4 to the Michigan Department of Treasury. | entity_type: "Employee" | Employee in MI sets personal and dependent allowance to over 10, or employee is marked as exempt from MI state income tax | yes | Mail Form MI-W4 for employee | no | yes | no |
state_tax.wa_lni_proactive_rcc_correction | Update %{employee_name}’s risk class code | Their risk class code looks incorrect. We need this info to file and pay their taxes—update it as soon as possible. Visit the WA L&I website to find the codes assigned to %{company_name}. To clarify which employees should be assigned to each code, please call the agency at (360) 902-4817. | entity_type: "Employee" | Invalid WA risk code, risk class codes have not been assigned to company by the Washington Department of Labor and Industries (L&I) | yes | Visit the WA L&I website to find the codes assigned to your company. If you aren’t sure which of your employees should be assigned to each code, please call the agency at (360) 902-4817. Assign employees to correct risk class code. | yes | yes - will get resolved after 14 days and account_suspension.pending notification will be sent | no |
state_tax.al_sui_poa | Send a notarized Power of Attorney form for Alabama | To authorize us to take payroll-related actions on behalf of %{company_name} must submit a notarized Power of Attorney form in Alabama. This lets us pay and file unemployment taxes. | none | If company is liable for State Unemployment Tax Act (SUTA) in Alabama and PoA form has not been submitted yet | yes | Send PoA form for Alabama | no | yes | no |
state_tax.ma_withholding_tpa | Grant access to the Massachusetts Department of Revenue account | To authorize us to take payroll-related actions on behalf of %{company_name}, grant us access to Massachusetts Department of Revenue account. This lets us monitor Massachusetts tax account info for changes, to help avoid notices, penalties, and interest. | none | When setting up state of Massachusetts and no access to account | yes | Give access to account | no | yes | no |
state_tax.ga_state | Finish Georgia registration | %{company_name} needs to complete Georgia tax setup. We need one last detail before we can file tax returns. | none | Did not finish filling out Georgia tax setup info | yes | Finish filling out Georgia tax setup info | no | yes | no |
state_tax.ma_ui_registration | Grant access to the Massachusetts Department of Unemployment Assistance account | To authorize us to take payroll-related actions on behalf of %{company_name}, grant us access to Massachusetts Department of Unemployment Assistance account. We can’t pay or file taxes without this access. Please reach out to our support team for instructions and help. | none | When setting up state of Massachusetts and no access to account | yes | Give access to account | no | yes | no |
state_tax.reopen_suspended_tax_agency_account | Reopen %{state} tax accounts and confirm the details | Contact the agency to reopen tax accounts. Then let us know by confirming the details of each account. If the details are incorrect and our payments are unsuccessful, penalties and interest may apply. | none | When reopening a new state for taxes either through a new hire or an employee address change, need to reopen state accounts | yes | Contact state tax agencies to reopen your company tax account, then confirm the details to make sure nothing has changed | no | yes | no |
pending_filing_survey | Finish %{period_name} filings | Contact support to finish %{period_name} filings. The information required is related to the number of officers and officer earnings for the %{period_name} filing period. This helps us file %{filing_survey_period_type} forms correctly. | none | Whenever information is needed in order to complete filings | yes | Contact support to complete filing survey | no | yes | no |
state_tax_agency_ein_fein_mismatch | Fix an error with the %{state_agency_name} account | Please review the %{state_agency_name} account information (account number, effective date, company name, etc). We need correct account info to pay and file taxes accurately and on time. | none | When the company state does not match the tax agencies listed for that state | yes | Provide tax agency that matches the state | no | yes | no |
state_tax_setup_blank_ein | Register with %{full_state_name} tax agencies and share account details | We need more %{full_state_name} tax information as soon as possible to pay and file taxes. | none | When ein is blank | yes | Fill the ein | no | yes | no |
state_tax_setup_ein_fails_validation_rules | Correct account number for %{full_state_name} tax agencies | We need more %{full_state_name} tax information as soon as possible to pay and file taxes. | none | If ein is manually or automatically inferred incorrect or fails valdiation rules | yes | Fill the correct ein | no | yes | no |
employee_missing_ak_occupational_code | Add an Alaska occupational code for %{employee_name} | We need an Alaska occupational code for all employees to accurately file quarterly Alaska payroll taxes.' | entity_type: "Employee" | When employee is missing Alaska occupational code | yes | Fill in the the Alaska occupational code for employee | no | yes (when employee does not stay in the state for the current year, it auto resolves as irrelevant) | no |
employee_missing_in_occupational_code | Add an Indiana occupational code for %{employee_name} | We need an Indiana occupational code for all employees to accurately file quarterly Indiana payroll taxes. | entity_type: "Employee" | When employee is missing Indiana occupational code | yes | Fill in the the Indiana occupational code for employee | no | yes (when employee does not stay in the state for the current year, it auto resolves as irrelevant) | no |
employee_missing_la_occupational_code | Add a Louisiana occupational code for %{employee_name} | We need a Louisiana occupational code for all employees to accurately file quarterly Louisiana payroll taxes. | entity_type: "Employee" | When employee is missing Louisiana occupational code | yes | Fill in the the Louisiana occupational code for employee | no | yes (when employee does not stay in the state for the current year, it auto resolves as irrelevant) | no |
employee_missing_wa_occupational_code | Add a Washington occupational code for %{employee_name} | We need a Washington occupational code for all employees to accurately file quarterly Washington payroll taxes. | entity_type: "Employee" | When employee is missing Washington occupational code | yes | Fill in the the Washington occupational code for employee | no | yes (when employee does not stay in the state for the current year, it auto resolves as irrelevant) | no |
home_and_work_address_are_far_apart | Verify %{employee_name}’s work location—it looks far from home | To accurately pay and file taxes, we need %{employee_name}’s correct work location. Verify it (even if they work from home) now. | entity_type: "Employee" | When distance between home and work address exceeds maximum miles (100 miles) | yes | Provide home and work address within 100 miles | no | yes | no |
vt_employee_health_care_coverage | Confirm Vermont employees’ healthcare coverage | We need accurate employee health care coverage elections to correctly calculate taxes in Vermont. | none | When company operates in VT and requires EOQ question | yes | Fill in the employee health care coverage | no | yes | no |
wire_in.confirm_wire_in_transfer | Wire funds for %{payment_date} payroll | We need to receive the funds by %{deadline_time} to pay employees on time. | entity_type: "Wire In Request" entity_type: "Payroll" | When a company submits a payroll with risk blockers and selects the Wire In option | yes | Submit a Wire In | no | yes | no |
wire_in.deadline_passed_payroll | Wire deadline passed for %{payment_date} payment | We didn’t receive funds for the %{payment_date} payment by the %{cutoff_time} PDT deadline. If you have not sent the funds already, the payroll will be automatically canceled. | entity_type: "Wire In Request" entity_type: "Payroll" | When the payment date to fund a payroll through a wire in has passed | no | N/A | no | yes | no |
state_tax.ar_state | Finish Arkansas withholding registration | Finish Arkansas withholding registration. We need one last detail about Arkansas withholding before we can file tax returns. | none | Customer provides the Account ID (EIN). First payroll gets run. Company gets unsuspended | yes | Provide us the last payment amount with the agency | no | yes | no |
state_tax.co_city_tax_owners_field | Tell us about business owners and officers in Colorado | Some cities in Colorado require employers to pay occupational privilege taxes (OPT) for business owners and officers who are not included on payroll‚ tell us if this is applicable. | none | Customer has applicable taxes in Denver, Greenwood or Glendale | yes | Customer needs to suggest if they are liable for occupational privilege taxes | no | yes | no |
state_tax.colorado_department_of_labor_and_employment_third_party_authorization | Grant Gusto access to the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment account | Grant Gusto access to the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment account. We can't pay or file taxes without this access. | none | Company becomes eligible for unemployment taxes. Company runs their first payroll. Customer provides the Account ID (EIN) | yes | Customer needs to confirm that they have provided Gusto a TPA access | no | yes | no |
state_tax.colorado_paid_family_and_medical_leave_third_party_authorization | Grant access to the Colorado Family and Medical Leave Insurance account | Grant Gusto access to the Colorado Family and Medical Leave Insurance account. We can't pay or file taxes without this access. | none | Applicable as long as customer has an active account with an agency | yes | Customer needs to confirm that they have provided Gusto a TPA access | no | yes | no |
state_tax.hi_ui_registration | Finish Hawaii unemployment registration | Finish Hawaii unemployment registration so we can pay and file quarterly returns. | none | Customer becomes eligible for unemployment taxes in HI. | yes | Customer needs to complete their registration in HI | no | yes | no |
state_tax.id_complete_id_withholding_reg | Finish Idaho withholding registration | Create a Taxpayer Access Point (TAP) account and register with the Idaho State Tax Commission. This lets us pay and file income tax. | none | Applicable by default as long as customer has a presence in state | yes | Create a Taxpayer Access Point (TAP) account and register with the Idaho State Tax Commission. | no | yes | no |
state_tax.mn_revenue_registration | Finish Minnesota withholding registration | Authorize Gusto with the Minnesota Department of Revenue, so we can pay and file taxes. | none | Gusto requests authorization once Account Number gets provided | yes | Customer needs to authorize Gusto with Minnesota Department of Revenue | no | yes | no |
state_tax.mn_revenue_registration_error | Finish Minnesota registration | We couldn't register ourselves with the Minnesota Department of Revenue, which means we can't pay or file taxes. It's okay‚ this should be a quick fix. | none | Gusto fails to request access to act on Customer's behalf | yes | Customer needs to fix issues with their registration with the tax agency | no | yes | no |
state_tax.mn_ui_registration | Finish Minnesota unemployment registration | Finish Minnesota unemployment registration so we can pay and file quarterly returns. | none | Customer becomes liable for unemployment taxes | yes | Customer needs to register with the tax agency | no | yes | no |
state_tax.ms_needs_dor_letter_id | Finish Mississippi withholding registration | We need the Mississippi Department of Revenue Letter ID to complete your Mississippi withholding registration and file tax returns. | none | EIN (account number) gets provided by the customer or we retrieve it via agency. | yes | Customer needs to provide a letter ID | no | yes | no |
state_tax.nm_complete_unemployment_reg | Finish New Mexico unemployment registration | Authorize Gusto with the New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions (DWS). This lets us pay and file unemployment taxes. | none | A company becomes liable for unemployment taxes. A customer registers themselves with the agency. | yes | Customer needs to provide Gusto an access | no | yes | no |
state_tax.nm_complete_withholding_reg | Finish New Mexico withholding registration | Create a Taxpayer Access Point (TAP) account and register with the New Mexico Taxation & Revenue Department. This lets us pay and file withholding taxes. | none | An EIN gets provided by the customer or we retrieve it via agency | yes | A customer needs to register themselves with the agency. | no | yes | no |
state_tax.nm_workers_comp_coverage | Indicate coverage under the New Mexico Workers' Compensation Act | Indicate coverage under the New Mexico Workers’ Compensation Act so we know whether or not to pay the Workers' Compensation Fee. | none | Applicable by default as long as company has a presence in the state | yes | A customer needs to answer the question whether they eligible for workers comp coverage | no | yes | no |
state_tax.ok_tap_grant | Finish Oklahoma withholding registration | Authorize Gusto with the Oklahoma Tax Commission (OTC). This lets us pay and file withholding taxes. | none | Applicable by default as long as customer has a presence in state. | yes | Customer needs to confirm that they have provided Gusto with Oklahoma Tax Commission | no | yes | no |
state_tax.ok_tap_registration | Finish Oklahoma withholding registration | Create an OkTAP passphrase and register with the Oklahoma Tax Commission (OTC). This lets us pay and file withholding taxes. | none | Customer confirms that they have provided us the OkTAP Approval access | yes | Provide a TAP passphrase | no | yes | no |
state_tax.pa_sui_enrollment | Authorize Gusto for Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry account | Authorize Gusto for Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry account. Authorization lets us pay and file unemployment taxes, keep tax info up-to-date, and reduce the likelihood of a tax notice. | none | Company becomes eligible for unemployment taxes. | yes | Customer needs to confirm that they have provided Gusto a TPA access | no | yes | no |
state_tax.pa_withholding_tpa | Grant access to the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue account | Grant Gusto access to the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue account. This lets us monitor Pennsylvania tax account info for changes, to help avoid notices, penalties, and interest. | none | Gusto has requested a TPA access from customer. | yes | Customer needs to confirm that they have provided Gusto a TPA access | no | yes | no |
state_tax.pa_withholding_tpa_shared_secret | Enter Pennsylvania Department of Revenue account Letter ID | Enter Pennsylvania Department of Revenue account Letter ID. This is the first step to let us monitor Pennsylvania tax account info for changes, to help avoid notices, penalties, and interest. | none | Applicable by default as long as customer has a presence in state. | yes | Customer needs to provide a shared secret to Gusto. i.e. Letter ID, etc | no | yes | no |
state_tax.tx_ui_registration | Grant access to the Texas Workforce Commission account | Grant Gusto access to the Texas Workforce Commission account. This lets us monitor Texas tax account info for changes, to help avoid notices, penalties, and interest. | none | Company becomes eligible for unemployment taxes. Gusto submits an authorization request. | yes | Customer needs to confirm that they have provided Gusto a TPA access | no | yes | no |
state_tax.va_sui_authorization | Grant access to the Virginia Employment Commission account | Grant Gusto access to the Virginia Employment Commission account. This lets us monitor Virginia tax account info for changes, to help avoid notices, penalties, and interest. | none | Company becomes eligible for unemployment taxes. Company runs their first payroll. Customer provides the Account ID (EIN). " | yes | Customer needs to confirm that they have provided Gusto a TPA access | no | yes | no |
state_tax.vt_submit_notarized_poa | Send a notarized Power of Attorney form for Vermont | Send a notarized Power of Attorney form for Vermont. This lets us pay and file unemployment taxes. | none | Company becomes eligible for unemployment taxes. A PoA form gets generated." | yes | Sign a POA form | no | yes | no |
state_tax.wa_lni_poa | Grant Gusto access to the Washington Labor & Industries account. We can't pay or file taxes without this access. | Grant Gusto access to the Washington Labor & Industries account. We can't pay or file taxes without this access. | none | A PoA form gets generated | yes | Sign a POA form | no | yes | no |
company_setup.sf_payroll_expense | Pay San Francisco's gross receipts and payroll expense taxes | Pay San Francisco's gross receipts and payroll expense taxes. Since these taxes aren't related to payroll, we can't take care of them. They apply to anyone doing business in San Francisco (we recommend paying them together). | none | Addition of a San Francisco address | no | tax handled outside of Gusto Embedded. Need to work directly with the SF city agency and confirm completion | no | yes | no |
company_setup.multi_state_retirement_mandates | Set up a required retirement plan | Multiple states require that companies offer a retirement plan for employees. Stay compliant and boost retention with an affordable retirement plan. | none | Company has no retirement plan setup and their state-mandated deadline is approaching | yes | Set up a retirement plan required by multiple states | no | yes | no |
company_setup.multi_state_retirement_mandates_past_due | Set up a retirement for compliance with state laws | Requirements to offer retirement plans are in effect. Set up a plan as soon as possible to avoid monetary fines and boost retention. | none | Company has no retirement plan setup and and their state-mandated deadline has passed | yes | Set up a retirement plan required by multiple states | no | yes | no |
company_setup.pay_schedule | Payroll is blocked: Set up a pay schedule | Tell us how often to pay the team, as well as their first pay day. Payroll can't be run until this is done. | none | Company has been created but still needs to set up a pay schedule | yes | Provide how often to pay the team, as well as their first pay day | yes | no | no |
company_setup.reverse_wire | Set up reverse wire | Set up reverse wire. This will re-enable faster payroll. For now, payroll can still be run four business days before payday. | none | company sets up a reverse wire | no | N/A | no | yes | no |
bank_error.continue_instant_verification | Payroll is blocked: Verify bank account | We'll use this bank account to pay both employees and taxes. Payroll can't be run until this is done. | none | resolving all pending items for funding method | yes | Verify company bank account | yes | yes | no |
payroll_setup.pay_schedule_setup_not_complete | Payroll is blocked: Assign each employee to a pay schedule | Some employees don't have a pay schedule set up yet. Payroll can't be run until this is done. | none | - Employee or employment changed and needs to be assigned a pay schedule. - Pay schedule setup not complete | yes | Assign each employee a payroll schedule | yes | yes | no |
payroll_setup.report_external_previous_payrolls | Payroll is blocked: Share latest payroll records | The desired first pay date was missed. Share any new payroll records with us so we can calculate taxes correctly. | none | Payroll Blocked due to incomplete external payrolls | yes | Report previous historical payroll records | yes | yes | no |
payroll_setup.assign_company_signatory | Payroll is blocked: Assign a company signatory | Assign a company signatory. This person is authorized to sign company documents. Payroll can't be run until the signed docs have been added. | none | when company is created or signatory is changed | yes | Assign company signatory | yes | yes | no |
company_setup.company_address_invalid | Payroll is blocked: Update business address | A company address doesn't look right‚ update it as soon as possible so we can calculate taxes correctly and run payroll for this location. | none | when geocode error occur for company address | yes | Update company business address | yes | yes | no |
company_setup.missing_mandatory_sick_time_policy | Set up a sick time off policy | At least one company work location requires businesses to provide a sick time off policy. | none | once new company and addresses are saved | yes | Set up a sick time off policy | no | no | no |
company_setup.elect_shareholders | Identify all shareholders who own over 2% of shares | Identify all shareholders who own over 2% of shares. This helps us tax health benefits correctly. | none | once the taxpayer type update is saved | yes | Select and add company shareholders | no | yes | no |
run_bank_holiday_payroll | A bank holiday is coming up‚ run payroll earlier than usual %{pay_schedule_label} | Make sure that the upcoming bank closure doesn't disrupt payroll. Run payroll one day earlier than usual. Approve pay for the %{pay_period} pay period. | entity_type: "PaySchedule" | An unprocessed pay period has a holiday between the original debit date and check date | yes | Run payroll one day earlier | no | yes | no |
run_bank_holiday_saturday_payroll | %{holidays_are} on a Saturday this year‚ run payroll as usual %{pay_schedule_label} | For bank holidays falling on a Saturday, banks will be open the Friday before! That means payroll for the %{pay_period} pay period can be run on the normal schedule. | entity_type: "PaySchedule" | An unprocessed pay period has a holiday between the original debit date and check date but the holiday is a Saturday | yes | Run payroll on the normal schedule | no | yes | no |
employees_incomplete_state | Finish setting up %{employee_name}’s state taxes | We need this to correctly calculate their payroll taxes in %{full_state_name}. | entity_type: "Employee" | Employee information has been updated leaving their state tax setup incomplete | yes | Update employee state tax information | yes | yes | no |
employees_termination_payroll | Run dismissal payroll for %{employee_name} | %{employee_name} %{was_or_will_be} dismissed on %{dismissal_date}, but needs to be paid for the %{time_period}. | entity_type: "Employee" | Employee has been terminated but needs to be paid out for a payroll | yes | Run dismissal payroll | no | yes | no |
end_of_quarter_payroll_filings | View and monitor Q%{quarter} filings | Stay compliant by reviewing and monitoring tax filings for Q%{quarter}. Although you have authorized a payroll provider to file your payroll returns and make tax payments for your employees, you are ultimately responsible for them. The IRS recommends enrollment in the U.S. Treasury Department's Electronic Federal Tax Payment System to monitor and ensure that tax payments are made in a timely manner. Most state tax agencies also offer a way to verify tax payments. Please contact the appropriate state offices directly for details. | none | One day before end of quarter a reminder is triggered if you ran payroll to make sure your tax payments are filed | no | N/A | no | no | no |
pay_schedule_transition | Run transition payroll%{label | To transition to the new pay schedule correctly, a transition payroll will need to be run for the %{payment_period} pay period. | entity_type: "PaySchedule" | Employees change pay schedules | yes | Run transition payroll | yes | yes | no |
update_min_wages | Minimum wage is increasing: Check employees' profiles | %{minimum_wage_description} will increase on %{increase_date}. Check tipped employees' profiles to make sure they're in the right minimum wage category.' | none | Minimum wages is increasing | yes | Double check employees are in the right minimum wage category | no | yes | no |
employee_setup.employee_missing_wv_occupational_code | Add an occupational code for %{employee_name} | We need a West Virginia occupational code for all employees to accurately file quarterly West Virginia payroll taxes. | entity_type: "Employee" | West Virginia Employee State Tax information is missing their occupational code | yes | Update Occupational code for Employee state tax information | no | no | no |
employee_setup.employees_waiting_for_review | Review %{employee_name}'s details to pay them | Review %{employee_name}'s details to pay them. They successfully entered their personal and withholding details. Finish adding them to Gusto so they can be paid. | entity_type: "Employee" | Employee information entered and needs review to finish onboarding | yes | Finish Reviewing employee information to complete their onboarding | yes | yes | no |
employee_setup.nc_w4_filing | File %{employee_name}'s NC-4 | File %{employee_name}'s NC-4. The NC-4 lets us withhold the correct amount of state income tax for %{employee_name}. | entity_type: "Employee" | An employee requires form NC-4 | yes | Submit form NC-4 | no | no | no |
bank_error.employee_bank_verification_failure | Unblock future employee transactions | We attempted a bank verification test transaction with %{employee_name}’s bank account %{bank_account_last_four_digits}. The transaction failed with message %{bank_error}. This critical error will prevent future payments. Please update the employee's bank account details. | entity_type: "BankAccount", reference_type: "Employee" | Failed test bank transaction for employee | yes | Update employee bank account details | yes | yes | no |
bank_error.contractor_bank_verification_failure | Unblock future contractor transactions | We attempted a bank verification test transaction with %{contractor_name}’s bank account %{bank_account_last_four_digits}. The transaction failed with message %{bank_error}. This critical error will prevent future payments. Please update the contractor's bank account details. | entity_type: "BankAccount", reference_type: "Contractor" | Failed test bank transaction for contractor | yes | Update contractor bank account details | no | yes | no |
earned_faster_payment.enrolled | Eligibility requirements for faster payment | %{company_name} must meet eligibility requirements for faster payroll. Until then, use wire transfers or 4-day ACH speed. Requirements: Pass a %{days_criteria} day period and run %{successful_payments_criteria} successful payment(s). | none | Company must meet eligibility for faster payment | yes | Meet eligibility requirements to earn faster payments | no | yes | no |
earned_faster_payment.finished | Company is eligible for faster payroll | %{company_name} is now eligible for faster direct deposit speed. | none | Company meets eligibility requirements for faster payments | no | N/A | no | no | no |
wire_in.confirm_earned_faster_payment_payroll | Wire funds for %{payment_date} payroll | We didn’t receive funds for the %{payment_date} payment by the %{deadline_time} deadline. If you have not sent the funds already, the payroll will be automatically canceled. | entity_type: "Wire In Request" entity_type: "Payroll" | When a company that must meet eligibility requirements for faster payment submits a payroll with risk blockers and selects the Wire In option | yes | Submit a Wire In | no | yes | no |
wire_in.payroll_payment_confirmed | Wire funds for payroll confirmed | Wire funds for %{payment_date} payroll confirmed. | entity_type: "Wire In Request" entity_type: "Payroll" | Wire in funds received for payroll | no | N/A | no | no | no |
state_tax_setup_blank_ein_with_failed_filing | %{full_state_name} tax filings have failed - share tax account numbers ASAP | We cannot pay and file taxes in %{full_state_name} due to one or more missing account numbers. To help avoid penalties and interest, update this info ASAP. | none | When one or more required state tax agency account number (EIN) is blank | yes | Supply the correct account number | no | yes, after issue is resolved | no |
state_tax_setup_ein_fails_validation_rules_with_failed_filing | %{full_state_name} tax filings have failed - correct account numbers ASAP | We cannot pay and file taxes in %{full_state_name} due to one or more incorrect account numbers. To help avoid penalties and interest, update this info ASAP. | none | When one or more required state tax agency account number (EIN) is blank | yes | Supply the correct account number | no | yes, after issue is resolved | no |
tax_setup_problem.general | Fix an issue with %{state} tax accounts so we can pay and file taxes | We couldn’t complete a %{agent_name} tax filing due to %{reason}. To help avoid penalties and interest, update this info ASAP. | none | Gusto detected a state tax setup issue that prevents paying and filing taxes successfully | yes | We recommend contacting our support team to help determine the precise issue and resolution step. These steps can vary widely depending on the specific state tax agency involved and issue type. | no | Yes, it resolves after the underlying state tax setup issue is remediated | no |
tax_setup_problem.authorization | Authorize Gusto to pay and file taxes | We couldn’t authorize ourselves with the %{agent_name}, which means we can’t pay or file taxes. To help avoid penalties and interest, update this info ASAP. | none | Gusto detected an authorization related state tax setup issue that prevents paying and filing taxes successfully | yes | We recommend contacting our support team to help determine the precise issue and resolution step. These steps can vary widely depending on the specific state tax agency involved and issue type. | no | yes, after issue is resolved | no |
tax_setup_problem.irs_form_8655_rejection | Re-sign IRS Form 8655 to enable us to file federal taxes | The IRS rejected Form 8655 due to %{reason}, which means we can’t pay or file taxes. To help avoid penalties and interest, correct and re-sign this form ASAP. | none | Gusto detected a problem with form 8655 that requires resigning the form | yes | E-sign form 8655 | no | yes, after issue is resolved | no |
Updated 22 days ago