Form Events
When subscribed to the Form
webhooks you will receive the following events:
event_type | description | references |
company.form.created | Company form has been created | {"company_uuid": ""} |
company.form.updated | Company form has been updated | {"company_uuid": ""} |
company.form.signed | Company form has been signed | {"company_uuid": ""} |
contractor.form.created | Contractor form has been created | {"contractor_uuid": ""} |
contractor.form.updated | Contractor form has been updated | {"contractor_uuid": ""} |
contractor.form.signed | Contractor form has been signed | {"contractor_uuid": ""} |
employee.form.created | Employee form has been created | {"employee_uuid": ""} |
employee.form.updated | Employee form has been updated | {"employee_uuid": ""} |
employee.form.signed | Employee form has been signed | {"employee_uuid": ""} |
Form webhooks contain references
that will have the additional UUIDs to call the Gusto API to retrieve the entire entity. The example below contains references because an employee UUID is required to retrieve the form from the API /v1/employees/{employee_uuid}/forms/{form_uuid}
Example payload
"uuid": "03c6b0db-3e68-4586-8ee3-6e7f76ba5cd0",
"event_type": "employee.form.updated",
"resource_type": "Company",
"resource_uuid": "5df911a0-e8e9-412d-8aaf-a46ad193dd96",
"entity_type": "Form",
"entity_uuid": "c02f2c32-34f7-4128-9145-7d49f0c3f355",
"timestamp": 1671058841,
"references": {
"employee_uuid": "5df911a0-e8e9-412d-8aaf-a46ad193dd96"
Updated 28 days ago