Paid Time Off

To support our partners with and without time-tracking solutions, Gusto Embedded offers the ability to create and manage time-off policies.

Setting up a time off policy

First, send a POST request to the Create Policy endpoint to create a time off policy. Required fields:

  • Name
  • Policy Type
  • Accrual method

At this time, we only support “vacation” or “sick” policy types and an “unlimited” accrual method.

Once the policies are created, you can add employees to or remove employees from a policy. Send a PUT request using employee UUIDs to do either.

Employee UUIDs can be retrieved using the Get employees of a company endpoint or Get an employee endpoint.

Send a GET request to the Get Policy or Get Policies endpoint to fetch time off policies.

To remove a time off policy, send a PUT request to Deactivate policy. For compliance reasons, time off policies can only be deactivated to allow for reporting.

For partners with complex time tracking solutions that opt in, the time off policies in the employee paystubs will hide the remaining time off hours.

Update a Payroll with PTO

To update a payroll with PTO hours taken during a pay period, an optional policy_uuid can be passed on to the paid_time_off array object instead of the hard coded “Vacation Hours” and “Sick Hours”. If no policy_uuid is provided, we will attempt to look up the hard coded types above.