JUMP TOVersionsWhat's new in v2024-04-01TokenIntrospectionGet info about the current access tokengetRefresh access tokenpostFlows (Pre-built UI)FlowsCreate a flowpostCompaniesCompaniesCreate a partner managed companypostGet a companygetUpdate a companyputMigrate company to embedded payrollputAccept terms of service for a company userpostRetrieve terms of service status for a company userpostCreate an admin for the companypostGet all the admins at a companygetGet the company's onboarding statusgetFinish company onboardingputGet the custom fields of a companygetLocationsCreate a company locationpostGet company locationsgetGet a locationgetUpdate a locationputGet minimum wages for a locationgetBank AccountsCreate a company bank accountpostGet all company bank accountsgetVerify a company bank accountputCreate a bank account from a plaid processor tokenpostPayment ConfigsGet a company's payment configsgetUpdate a company's payment configsputCompany FormsGet all company formsgetGet a company formgetGet a company form pdfgetSign a company formputCompany BenefitsCreate a company benefitpostGet benefits for a companygetGet a company benefitgetUpdate a company benefitputDelete a company benefitdeleteGet all benefits supported by GustogetGet a supported benefit by IDgetGet company benefit summary by company benefit id.getGet all employee benefits for a company benefitgetBulk update employee benefits for a company benefitputGet benefit fields requirements by IDgetFederal Tax DetailsGet Federal Tax DetailsgetUpdate Federal Tax DetailsputIndustry SelectionGet a company industry selectiongetUpdate a company industry selectionputSignatoriesCreate a signatorypostGet all company signatoriesgetInvite a signatorypostUpdate a signatoryputDelete a signatorydeleteTax RequirementsGet State Tax RequirementsgetUpdate State Tax RequirementsputGet All Tax Requirement StatesgetDepartmentsCreate a departmentpostGet all departments of a companygetGet a departmentgetUpdate a departmentputDelete a departmentdeleteAdd people to a departmentputRemove people from a departmentputCompany AttachmentGet Company Attachment DetailsgetGet a temporary url to download the Company Attachment filegetGet List of Company AttachmentsgetCreate Company Attachment and Upload FilepostW2 EmployeesEmployeesCreate an employeepostGet employees of a companygetCreate a historical employeepostUpdate a historical employeeputGet an employeegetUpdate an employeeputDelete an onboarding employeedeleteGet an employee's custom fieldsgetUpdate an employee's onboarding documents configputGet the employee's onboarding statusgetUpdate the employee's onboarding statusputGet employee time off activitiesgetEmployee Tax SetupGet an employee's federal taxesgetUpdate an employee's federal taxesputGet an employee's state taxesgetUpdate an employee's state taxesputEmployee Payment MethodCreate an employee bank accountpostGet all employee bank accountsgetDelete an employee bank accountdeleteUpdate an employee bank accountputGet an employee's payment methodgetUpdate an employee's payment methodputEmployee EmploymentsCreate an employee terminationpostGet terminations for an employeegetDelete an employee terminationdeleteUpdate an employee terminationputCreate an employee rehirepostUpdate an employee rehireputGet an employee rehiregetDelete an employee rehiredeleteGet employment history for an employeegetEmployee AddressesGet an employee's home addressesgetCreate an employee's home addresspostGet an employee's home addressgetUpdate an employee's home addressputDelete an employee's home addressdeleteGet an employee's work addressesgetCreate an employee work addresspostGet an employee work addressgetUpdate an employee work addressputDelete an employee's work addressdeleteJobs and CompensationsCreate a jobpostGet jobs for an employeegetGet a jobgetUpdate a jobputDelete an individual jobdeleteGet compensations for a jobgetCreate a compensationpostGet a compensationgetUpdate a compensationputDelete a compensationdeleteI-9 VerificationGet an employee's I-9 authorizationgetCreate or update an employee's I-9 authorizationputGet an employee's I-9 verification document optionsgetGet an employee's I-9 verification documentsgetCreate an employee's I-9 authorization verification documentsputDelete an employee's I-9 verification documentdeleteEmployer sign an employee's Form I-9putEmployee FormsGenerate a W2 form [DEMO]postGet all employee formsgetGet an employee formgetGet the employee form pdfgetSign an employee formputEmployee BenefitsCreate an employee benefitpostGet all benefits for an employeegetGet an employee benefitgetUpdate an employee benefitputDelete an employee benefitdeleteGet year-to-date benefit amounts from a different companygetCreate year-to-date benefit amounts from a different companypostGarnishmentsCreate a garnishmentpostGet garnishments for an employeegetGet a garnishmentgetUpdate a garnishmentputGet child support garnishment dataget1099 ContractorsContractor Payment GroupsCreate a contractor payment grouppostGet contractor payment groups for a companygetPreview a contractor payment grouppostFetch a contractor payment groupgetCancel a contractor payment groupdeleteFund a contractor payment group [DEMO]putContractor Payment MethodCreate a contractor bank accountpostGet all contractor bank accountsgetGet a contractor's payment methodgetUpdate a contractor's payment methodputContractor PaymentsGet a single contractor payment receiptgetFund a contractor payment [DEMO]putCreate a contractor paymentpostGet contractor payments for a companygetGet a single contractor paymentgetCancel a contractor paymentdeletePreview contractor payment debit dategetContractorsCreate a contractorpostGet contractors of a companygetGet a contractorgetUpdate a contractorputDelete a contractordeleteGet the contractor's onboarding statusgetChange the contractor's onboarding statusputGet a contractor addressgetUpdate a contractor's addressputContractor DocumentsGet all contractor documentsgetGet a contractor documentgetGet the contractor document pdfgetSign a contractor documentputContractor FormsGet all contractor formsgetGet a contractor formgetGet the contractor form pdfgetGenerate a 1099 form [DEMO]postPayrollsPay SchedulesCreate a new pay schedulepostGet the pay schedules for a companygetPreview pay schedule datesgetGet a pay schedulegetUpdate a pay scheduleputGet pay periods for a companygetGet termination pay periods for a companygetGet pay schedule assignments for a companygetPreview pay schedule assignments for a companypostAssign pay schedules for a companypostEarning TypesCreate a custom earning typepostGet all earning types for a companygetUpdate an earning typeputDeactivate an earning typedeletePayrollsCreate an off-cycle payrollpostGet all payrolls for a companygetGet approved payroll reversalsgetGet a single payrollgetUpdate a payroll by IDputDelete a payrolldeletePrepare a payroll for updateputGet a single payroll receiptgetGet all payroll blockers for a companygetSkip a payrollpostCalculate gross uppostCalculate a payrollputSubmit payrollputCancel a payrollputGet an employee pay stub (pdf)getGet an employee's pay stubsgetGenerate printable payroll checks (pdf)postExternal PayrollsCreate a new external payroll for a companypostGet external payrolls for a companygetGet an external payrollgetDelete an external payrolldeleteUpdate an external payrollputGet tax suggestions for an external payrollgetGet tax liabilitiesgetUpdate tax liabilitiesputFinalize tax liabilities options and convert into processed payrollsputEventsEventsGet all eventsgetWebhooksWebhooksCreate a webhook subscriptionpostList webhook subscriptionsgetUpdate a webhook subscriptionputGet a webhook subscriptiongetDelete a webhook subscriptiondeleteVerify the webhook subscriptionputRequest the webhook subscription verification_tokengetNOTIFICATIONSNotificationsGet a notification's detailsgetTime Off PoliciesTime Off PoliciesCalculate accruing time off hourspostGet a time off policygetUpdate a time off policyputGet all time off policiesgetCreate a time off policypostAdd employees to a time off policyputRemove employees from a time off policyputUpdate employee time off hour balancesputDeactivate a time off policyputHoliday Pay PoliciesHoliday Pay PoliciesGet a company's holiday pay policygetCreate a holiday pay policy for a companypostUpdate a company's holiday pay policyputDelete a company's holiday pay policydeleteAdd employees to a company's holiday pay policyputRemove employees from a company's holiday pay policyputPreview a company's paid holidaysgetGenerated DocumentsGenerated DocumentsGet a generated documentgetReportsReportsCreate a custom reportpostGet a reportgetGet a report templategetInvoicesInvoicesRetrieve invoicing data for companiesgetRecovery casesRecovery CasesGet all recovery cases for a companygetInitiate a redebit for a recovery caseputACH TransactionsACH TransactionsGet all ACH transactions for a companygetWire in RequestsWire In RequestsGet a single Wire In RequestgetSubmit a wire in requestputGet all Wire In Requests for a companygetCreate a departmentpost https://api.gusto-demo.com/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/departmentsCreate a department scope: departments:write