Error Categories
The following error samples provide a comprehensive list of all error categories we currently support. You may use the category to programmatically handle errors in your integration.
The token is invalid, expired, or has not been included in the request.
401 Unauthorized
404 Not Found
"errors": [
"error_key": "request",
"category": "missing_permissions",
"message": "This endpoint is part of Gusto Embedded. Please contact [email protected] if you’d like to have more information and use it for production. Note, this may require you to enter a different agreement with Gusto."
422 Unprocessable Entity
"errors": [
"error_key": "base",
"category": "duplicate_operation",
"message": "Cannot have multiple of the same state field per company"
If an internal error occurs, our engineers are notified to investigate the problem.
500 Internal Server Error
"errors": [
"error_key": "request",
"category": "internal_error",
"message": "An unexpected error has occurred."
To learn more about API Versions review our API Versioning guide.
406 Not Acceptable
"errors": [
"error_key": "request",
"category": "invalid_api_version",
"message": "Invalid API Version `2023`. Expected format: YYYY-MM-DD"
422 Unprocessable Entity
"errors": [
"error_key": "request",
"category": "invalid_application_setup",
"message": "You must create an application to continue."
422 Unprocessable Entity
"errors": [
"error_key": "fast_payment_limit",
"category": "invalid_attribute_value",
"message": "Fast payment limit should be a number"
422 Unprocessable Entity
"errors": [
"error_key": "base",
"category": "invalid_operation",
"message": "Bank account cannot be verified. Please check the test deposit amounts."
422 Unprocessable Entity
"errors": [
"error_key": "benefit_id",
"category": "invalid_parameter",
"message": "Parameter `benefit_id` is deprecated in this API version. Please use `benefit_type`"
409 Conflict
"errors": [
"error_key": "base",
"category": "invalid_resource_version",
"message": "You are attempting to update a resource using an out-of-date version."
403 Forbidden
"errors": [
"error_key": "request",
"category": "missing_oauth_scopes",
"message": "You do not have the necessary OAuth scopes for this request. Please reach out to [email protected] for assistance."
422 Unprocessable Entity
"errors": [
"error_key": "base",
"category": "missing_parameter",
"message": "benefit_type is required."
403 Forbidden
"errors": [
"error_key": "request",
"category": "missing_permissions",
"message": "This endpoint is part of Gusto Embedded. Please contact [email protected] if you’d like to have more information and use it for production. Note, this may require you to enter a different agreement with Gusto."
422 Unprocessable Entity
"errors": [
"error_key": "fields",
"category": "nested_errors",
"errors": [
"error_key": "signature",
"category": "invalid_attribute_value",
"message": "Field is required."
404 Not Found
"errors": [
"error_key": "request",
"category": "not_found",
"message": "This endpoint does not exist on this version of the Gusto API."
To see a list of all possible payroll_blocker
s review the Payroll Blockers guide.
422 Unprocessable Entity
"errors": [
"error_key": "base",
"category": "payroll_blocker",
"message": "Company or employee address could not be verified. Please ensure all addresses are valid.",
"metadata": {
"key": "geocode_error"
To learn more about our rate limits review the Rate Limits guide.
429 Too Many Requests
"errors": [
"error_key": "base",
"category": "rate_limit_exceeded",
"message": "Rate limit exceeded. Please wait a bit before trying again."
Something went wrong on our end. Please email [email protected] for assistance. Please avoid including any payloads in your email, we will provide a secure link in our response if payload information is necessary.
500 Internal Server Error
Updated 2 months ago