These docs are for v2023-09-01. Click to read the latest docs for v2024-04-01.

Create an Off Cycle Payroll

One-off (or 'off-cycle') payrolls are available if you need to pay your team outside of the regular payroll schedule. Reasons for an off-cycle can vary. Unlike regular payrolls, off-cycle payrolls are ad-hoc and do not have a set schedule.

1. Create an Off Cycle Payroll

Note that off-cycle payrolls default to using the same withholding rates, deductions, and contributions made in regular payrolls. To create an off-cycle payroll use the POST companies/{company_uuid}/payrolls endpoint.


off_cycle_reason and Benefits

  • External benefits and deductions are default included and the payroll is default taxed as regular wages when the off_cycle_reason is set to Correction.
  • All benefits and deductions are default blocked and the payroll is default taxed at a fixed withholding rate when the off_cycle_reason is set to Bonus.
  • Parameters for these default settings are adjustable
curl --request POST \
     --url{company_uuid}/payrolls \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'authorization: Bearer <<COMPANY_API_TOKEN>>' \
     --header 'content-type: application/json' \
     --data '
     "employee_uuids": [
     "off_cycle": true,
     "off_cycle_reason": "Bonus",
     "start_date": "2022-06-05",
     "end_date": "2022-06-22",
     "check_date": "2022-06-22"
const fetch = require('node-fetch');

const url = '{company_uuid}/payrolls';
const options = {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: {
    accept: 'application/json',
    'content-type': 'application/json',
    authorization: 'Bearer <<COMPANY_API_TOKEN>>'
  body: JSON.stringify({
    employee_uuids: ['9c315969-3c8e-4eed-b0ae-8004c70bd8dc'],
    off_cycle: true,
    off_cycle_reason: 'Bonus',
    start_date: '2022-06-05',
    end_date: '2022-06-22',
    check_date: '2022-06/22'

fetch(url, options)
  .then(res => res.json())
  .then(json => console.log(json))
  .catch(err => console.error('error:' + err));

2. Editing the Payroll

Once the Off Cycle payroll is created with the select employees, call the PUT companies/{company_uuid}/payrolls/{payroll_uuid}/ endpoint using the unique payroll_id with updated fields to add appropriate compensation to pay the employees.

In v2022-12-07, we validate the employee hourly_compensations against their flsa_status and will block if an invalid compensations is passed in. We will also validate check_dates for off-cycle payrolls on creation (i.e. no back dating check_dates, check_dates can not be before the next valid direct deposit date if there is a direct deposit employee). Note the check_date could potentially move while editing if the payroll submission misses the cutoff deadline time (i.e. 3:30pm PST)

curl --request PUT \
     --url{company_uuid}/payrolls/{payroll_uuid} \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'authorization: Bearer <<COMPANY_API_TOKEN>>' \
     --header 'content-type: application/json' \
     --data '
     "employee_compensations": [{
        "fixed_compensations": [
              "job_id": 67,
              "job_uuid": "23202b84-42b3-44ae-b7c5-5aa7660a30e2",
              "name": "Bonus",
              "amount": "0.00"
              "job_id": 67,
              "job_uuid": "23202b84-42b3-44ae-b7c5-5aa7660a30e2",
              "name": "Commission",
              "amount": "0.00"
     "off_cycle": true,
     "off_cycle_reason": "Bonus",
const fetch = require('node-fetch');

const url = '{company_uuid}/payrolls/{payroll_uuid}';
const options = {
  method: 'PUT',
  headers: {
    accept: 'application/json',
    'content-type': 'application/json',
    authorization: 'Bearer <<COMPANY_API_TOKEN>>'
  body: JSON.stringify({
     "employee_compensations": [{
        "fixed_compensations": [
              "job_id": 67,
              "job_uuid": "23202b84-42b3-44ae-b7c5-5aa7660a30e2",
              "name": "Bonus",
              "amount": "0.00"
              "job_id": 67,
              "job_uuid": "23202b84-42b3-44ae-b7c5-5aa7660a30e2",
              "name": "Commission",
              "amount": "0.00"
     "off_cycle": true,
     "off_cycle_reason": "Bonus",

fetch(url, options)
  .then(res => res.json())
  .then(json => console.log(json))
  .catch(err => console.error('error:' + err));

3. Calculate the Payroll

Similar to processing a regular payroll, call the PUT companies/{company_uuid}/payrolls/{payroll_uuid}/calculate endpoint using the unique payroll_id for the off-cycle. The calculated payroll details provide a preview of the actual values that will be used when the payroll is run.

If the company is blocked from running payroll due to issues like incomplete setup, missing information or other compliance issues, the response will be 422 Unprocessable Entity with a categorization of the blockers in the form:

{ "errors": { "missing_requirements": ["needs_onboarding", "invalid_signatory"] } }

3. Submit the Payroll

If everything looks accurate, a payroll can be processed using the PUT companies/{company_uuid}/payrolls/{payroll_uuid}/submit endpoint. Upon success, this request transitions the payroll to the processed state and initiates the transfer of funds. This is a critical step to process payroll. A payroll is not finalized without calling this endpoint.

This submission is asynchronous and a successful request responds with a 202 HTTP status. Upon success, the payroll status transitions to the processed state.

curl --request PUT \
     --url{company_uuid}/payrolls/{payroll_uuid}/submit \
     --header 'authorization: Bearer <<COMPANY_API_TOKEN>>'
const fetch = require('node-fetch');

const url = '{company_uuid}/payrolls/{payroll_uuid}/submit';
const options = {method: 'PUT', headers: {authorization: 'Bearer <<COMPANY_API_TOKEN>>'}};

fetch(url, options)
  .then(res => res.json())
  .then(json => console.log(json))
  .catch(err => console.error('error:' + err));


Cancel an Off-Cycle Payroll

You can revert a payroll to the unprocessed state using the PUT /companies/{company_uuid}/payrolls/{payroll_uuid}/cancel endpoint. A payroll cannot be canceled after 3:30pm PST on the payroll_deadline