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These docs are for v2023-09-01. Click to read the latest docs for v2024-04-01.

Added I-9 Employment Verification APIs & Flows

Gusto Embedded now supports employee I-9 Verification using APIs and Flows.


Added categories to Partner Notification System

The following additional categories have been added to the Embedded Partner Notification System. Details on each notification can be found here:


Removed `resource_id` and `entity_id` from webhook payloads

As numeric IDs were deprecated and sunsetted in a previous API version, we recently removed support for the fields resource_id and entity_id from the webhook event payload that we send to your webhooks endpoint.


Payroll Processing Request

The processing_request object is returned by our Get a Single Payroll API endpoint and Prepare API endpoint to provide better visibility into whether a payroll is currently being calculated or submitted. Review our Payroll Processing Request guide for more info.


Added categories to Partner Notification System

The following additional categories have been added to the Embedded Partner Notification System. Details on each notification can be found here:


Added employee deductions flows

Gusto Embedded now supports a standalone employee deductions flow type. This flow allows you to create and manage employee post-tax deductions/garnishments.


Payroll Submission Blockers & Unblock Options

Gusto Embedded employs various methods to identify and mitigate high-risk payments before they are run. These blockers and unblock options aim to maintain faster payment speeds without needing to secure funds before paying employees.


Added Support for Child Support Garnishments to APIs & Flows

Gusto Embedded now supports child support garnishments via API and Flows. Gusto will automatically remit payments to all child support agencies except South Carolina since this agency doesn't support electronic payments. Employers are responsible for paying the agency outside of Gusto.

Contractor-Only Companies

You can now create contractor-only companies. This company type has fewer onboarding requirements compared to those with W-2 employees. However, contractor-only companies have a payroll blocker that prevents them from processing payroll for W-2 employees.


Improvements to Custom Reports

We've made improvements to our Custom Reports APIs and Flows: