Starting in API version 2023-09-01
, we provide more granular risk-related payroll blockers. See the updated guide here for the comprehensive list of blockers.
Partner Notification System
We're excited to announce the release of the new Embedded Partner Notification System. To enable you to build and manage custom critical notifications for your end users, we provide new notification
webhook event types, as well as two new API endpoints.
Added multiple pay period support
Partners can now build multiple pay schedule support into their embedded offerings! Users can create and edit pay schedules and assign multiple pay schedules by compensation, department or per employee via API and Flow. We have also released an accompanying Manage Pay Schedules Flow. Check out our Manage Pay Schedules API and Flow guides for more information.
This is the changelog for v2023-06-01
, which contains a create pay schedule API breaking change.
Added change pay schedule, transition payroll, skip payroll
Gusto Embedded now supports changing pay schedules, calculating transition payrolls, and skipping payrolls via API! Check out our Manage Pay Schedules API and Flow guides for more information.
Added Next Day Payroll
Gusto Embedded now supports next day payroll! We have added on to our existing endpoint for payment configurations, where you can now pass the payment speed 1-day
. There is still the option to add in a faster payment limit, where if in-flight payrolls in a given day exceed that limit, the payrolls will be pushed to a 4-day processing speed for those payrolls. We have also added in a new payment config webhook event that letβs our partners know when a payroll has changed from next day or 2-day back to 4-day.
Starting from version 2023-05-01
, ALL endpoints that authenticate using an access token require a strict access token. A strict access token is reserved for access to only a single company. Requests using tokens that do not meet this requirement shall be responded with a forbidden (403) status. This is the first step in improving our OAuth token management. To facilitate this redesign we introduced the following endpoint changes
April 2023
Happy April! Here is a look at the new and breaking changes for the month.
This is the changelog for v2023-04-01
, which contains payroll API breaking changes.